There have been multiple Bear sightings around Station 34 over the recent months. While normally this would be cause for concern, these are unique Bears. These are Ursinus Bears!!! As far back as many members can recollect, Ursinus students have volunteered at Collegeville Fire Company. Sometime in the 1960s the students were given a name… The Bear Squad. Fun fact, many of our current Fire Company members were once part of the Bear Squad. With the changing times, unfortunately we have seen less students joining, but the Squad still lives on. Now we would like to welcome our current Bear Squad Lineup!!!! FF Cole Mendolia FF Ben Factor FF Will Ratliffe We also like to welcome our new junior from Perk Valley (no picture) JrFF Jeaniris Disfenbach If you see the Bear Squad or any of our members out and about, don’t hesitate to stop and say hello!